Psalm 99, what’s behind, holiness, come to the Father

We each have been made with a certain way about us. It is ingrained. It is part of who we are. It is there behind everything that we do. There are those who look to make things right. Those who genuinely care. Those who overcome. Those who stand out. Those who dig in. Those who stand beside. Those who encourage. Those who challenge. Those who bring peace. We all have qualities that makes up who we are and are behind our every word and action.

Psalm 99:3 Let them praise Your great and awesome name—
He is holy.

Psalm 99:5 Exalt the Lord our God,
And worship at His footstool—
He is holy.

Psalm 99:9 Exalt the Lord our God,
And worship at His footstool—
He is holy.

In this psalm, it says some statements about God like:

  • He reigns
  • He is mighty
  • He loves justice
  • He established equity

Behind everything that God is and does is holiness. He is holy! One definition of holy is one perfect in goodness and righteousness. In Exodus 34 God tells Moses about himself. He says, “I am compassionate, I am gracious, I am slow to anger, I am abounding in love, I am faithful, I am forgiving.” All of these are the expressions of his goodness and righteousness. The outflow of his holiness.

HOLY, HOLY, HOLY is the Lord!

Father, you reign over all. You sit enthroned between the cherubim. Great are you, Lord. You are exalted over all the nations. Let us lift up our voices and praise your great and awesome name. YOU ARE HOLY!! The King who is mighty, who loves justice, who has established equity. You do what is just and right. For YOU ARE HOLY!! When we call to you, Lord, answer us. Speak to us Lord. We desire to keep your decrees and your statues. Tell us what to do Lord, that we can follow you. Forgive us Lord, for our stupidity and foolish ways. Forgive my sin, Lord. I turn to you, for you, are my only hope and help. YOU ARE HOLY! Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord!

What is behind everything you do and say? How has the Father created you?

If you find you are more motivated by anger and frustration, if it cause you to see that your words are cutting and critical, are your actions ridged and rejecting of others… Come to the Father.

His love for you never ends.

When we know we are loved by the One who is holy. It changes everything.

You were made for more!

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