

Blessed are the ones who understand;
They’ve got nothing to bring but empty hands;Nothing to hide and nothing to prove;
Our heartbreak brings us back to you.”
~ Josh Wilson

This quote is from a post on (IN)courage :


Over at A Pause in the Path,  Shanda has put out a new BLOG HOP

that I am going to join  asking WHAT IS ON YOUR HEART?

Sometimes you just get blindsided…

You know, those times when you think –

where did that come from?”

I had one of those moments recently and I was very caught off guard by it.

Sometimes it makes me feel like “BEING OPEN & BEING HONEST”just doesn’t pay off !! Anyone know what I mean??

What can I do? I am who I am …. ( I cant be anyone else ) besides when I try I look really silly!! BEEN THERE!!!

Sometime we just aren’t going to do it, say it, be it –what others think or want or need…live and learn I guess!!

What I do know is that in all things

that we go through,

and flop through


and slide through….

GOD is right there when we need to just cry a little

from all the disappointment and frustration.

BUT AFTER THAT CRY…its time to brush it off and walk forward knowing that in Christ we are LOVED and GOD is our only real APPROVER!!



9 Comments Add yours

  1. Jennifer says:

    “God is our only real approver”–something I need to remind myself over and over!


  2. starla says:

    You are welcome!!


  3. “So true, Sometimes not matter what we say, others will find fault with it. But God picks us up and dries the tears that others make us cry! And we carry on.
    Thank yu for linking up.


  4. starla says:

    Thank you for stoppin by… it is a choice and not always easy but possible!


  5. starla says:

    I still have not found my balance…sometimes I think I am on the beam and then I get knocked off…I feel like how do I be loving and guarded at the same time…IDK!!?? THank you for stoppin. So glad someone feels me in this.


  6. Stacie says:

    ooh, those moments are tough. I struggle sometimes with the choice to move forward, but that’s exactly what it is… a choice. Thanks for the reminder.
    visiting from shanda’s…


  7. Tracy says:

    Hi Starla – I know exactly what you mean, to the point I have given up being diplomatic – I’m really not good at it. I’m trying to rather say nothing unless something absolutely has to be said. Not easy, but it works better, for me. Thanks for visiting my blog. I have enjoyed visiting back and will do so again.
    God bless


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