Hello Monday #26


Took a family vacation:

We went to Mille Lacs Lake in Minnesota. It was beautiful.

We had a cute little cabin:

We found a nice blue chair turned over in a parking lot – TOTAL SCORE! It is cozy and very similar to my hubby’s chair. YAY.

The Lord did a lot of talking to me over the weekend:

One of the things I will share is what He said as I was walking along the edge of the water. (I took this cool photo – getting down low for this vantage point.

The Lord said, “Do you see all these rocks. Some are big, some are small. Some clustered together held together by another kind of rock, some the same but only a few rocks held together like that. But all of them I am polishing and working on. Like people as long as they stay in the water, my living water, they will continue to be polished.” Then I noticed how the ones in the water were beautiful, shiny, all kinds of colors and shapes. But the ones just out of the water were dry and dull. Then the Lord said, “But some are like that.” I looked over and I saw a drainage area that had dark mucky gross water and you could barely see the rocks under the water. He said, “They are in the dark and are not connected to the water that cleans, clears, and polishes. They are cut off from the water and in the darkness. My people must stay in the light as I am in the light.

This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.

1 John 1:5-7

Then as I was walking, I asked if there was anything else He wanted to say to me. And He said,
“Look!” So I start looking and saying where? WHERE? and He said, “There!” and I look down and see this. A little heart rock. I smiled so big. And just was full of joy and love.

Something I wanted to share with you:

Sometimes we walk through long seasons that are hard. They are full of enduring, persevering, and waiting. Sometimes these long seasons are also accompanied by the Lord being very quiet. He speaks very little. I was going through some photos and I had taken a photo of myself just before I went on my trip with my mom. I had felt like the wilderness and waiting that I had been walking in was coming to an end. The Lord was having me pray very specific things about how I was speaking, and how He wanted me to walk in the next season. Then I had said to several people after the trip that I felt like I took something to Mississippi and dropped it off and left it there.

Get a load of this before I went and after I came back. It is night and day.

This is what the Lord does! He renews us! YES, we will go through hard times. (John 16:33)

Keep seeking Him, doing what you know He last said, follow Him and not another!

OH and one more thing: I will be starting a 40 days of prayer starting today! Monday the 17th of June. If you would like to pray along with me. It will be on my FB page public.

Thank you for Listening,


Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me.