Day 18 – He is the Provider

Day 18 – He is the Provider

Today I want to press you about your faith. What does your faith reside on? I know it is a strange question. The Bible says that faith is the substance (assurance) of things hoped for, the evidence (conviction) of things not seen. All the bits and pieces of our “hoped for” life is what faith is made of, it is the confidence we have in and through the belief that God will do what He has said. Faith is not tangible. If we have the thing we hope for then it is no longer faith but rather evidence. It has become an actuality. It becomes the knowledge that what I have believed in is true! Now, here is the pressing. How much faith do you have in the Father of Heaven that He is the provider of your life, that He will do what He says He will?

Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.

One of the things I love about God is that He doesn’t expect us to be perfect. He knows we are weak and broken. He knows that we are without hope and lost in this world. He provided Jesus -the Lamb of God- to take away our sins and pay the penalty that was due for sin. In Christ we become new! I accepted that gift of love 20 years ago, one summer afternoon in 1998. That day I chose to believe that God really was real. I had been hearing Him “call my name” so to speak for a year. By faith I followed the voice “I hoped I was hearing” to take a bus to Iowa. By faith I followed the voice “I hoped I was hearing” to make a phone call to receive a little booklet on the tv. By faith I followed the voice “I hoped I was hearing” to say the prayer in that little book after I read all the scriptures. I kept drawing near to God “hoping” that He existed until I made that choice by Faith to believe that He was and to ask Jesus to be my Savior. Faith exploded on the inside of me by the Holy Spirit who moved into my heart. For me, I learned to trust that “hope I was hearing” and to follow it. It is true that Jesus is a rewarder of those who seek Him. I would not be where I am today if I didn’t have faith that Jesus was leading, guiding, providing for my life at every turn and upset of life. So what does your faith reside upon? What do you base the faith you live by upon? Is it the hope you have in Christ that He will do what He says He will? Jesus calls us out onto the water of faith to places that we could only dream of yet that He has created specifically for us. – Tweet That! 

Jesus calls us out onto the water of faith to places that we could only dream of yet that He has created specifically for us.
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PRAYER: God, thank you that You lead Your people by faith. That we can hold on to hope because you are the fulfiller of hope! 

Will you believe He is the provider of every joy, every need, every answer you have been looking for? Is it time to return to the One who is calling Your name and will not stop until your heart is secure in knowing that you are loved and called to great things in Jesus Christ?

Thanks for Listening,


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